Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Using Excel to Process Trace File

Currently I am not working in Network Simulation Area. The reason why this blog are not updated. I am focusing in other area for know. Busy with management work.

Management and research are different. In management, we need to manage people at the same time to manage a lot of document. Managing a lot of document requires a lot of work. Now I am into using excel as automation tools ro save more time so that i can go back to may passion - doing research.

Excel are powerful.. Especially because it comes with programming capability called VBA. Just wondering, we can use excell to process the trace file. Trace file contains data, and excel can be used to process data. Try it out! :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to detect DDoS attack in NS2

NS2 can be used to simulate a DDos attack. This is how you can detect DDos attack in NS2.


1. Create a topology. Depending on how many source input you want.

2. For the source node, set the bandwidth of normal traffic(the regular traffic) to constant.

3. To create the attack, generate many packets of CBR UDP randomly.


1. create a topology make sure there are normal source and also source node for the attacker.

2. For normal source create normal traffic.

3. For attacker source create the randomly generated DDOS attack.

(the number of normal source node, and attacker node depend on your requirement)

By doing this, you will have a normal traffic and random generated traffic (the attack).