Friday, May 29, 2009

OPNET Modeler Popular Comercial Network Simulator

OPNET Modeler is one of famous simulation tools provided by OPNET Technologies.
OPNET is a commercial software unlike Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) & Network Simulator 3 (NS-3)

As far as I know, NS2 is based on descrete event-driven model , while OPNET engine is based on Finite State Machine combined with analytical model.

I have no particular experience about OPNET, but I'm searching for papers comparing NS-2 with OPNET. Sure both has their own disadvantages and advantages. And what about NS-3?

Hrm by the way, I need to find info about
1) Descrete event-driven model
2) Analytical Model
3) Finite State Machine Model

what does it really means?

Network simulation and network simulator area are very wide area. It is normal since network system (eg. Internet) is the biggest system ever created by human.

back to OPNET, , OPNET have more features than NS-2 but NS-2 is moreattractive due to its open source nature.


  1. OPNET Modeler is a high-fidelity modeling ans scalable discrete event simulation software. It also provides support for analytical modeling and hybrid simulation (a combination of discrete event simulation and analytical modeling).

    Modeler's uses a uses a powerful finite state machine (FSM) approach to support detailed specification of protocols, resources, applications, algorithms, and queuing policies.

    The source code for OPNET simulation models is open enabling easy customization and modification of the models including the hooks to easily create models from scratch.

    Check out

  2. Hi, to me OPNET is a commercial simulation software product which provide the features mentioned. It is a Discrete-Event Simulator (DES), you are able to include analytical model by program it using C language and finally FSM is a representative of process flow of the code (C language) for specific process level (buffer/queue, processor, etc).

    If you're about to start using OPNET, I recommend you to use the example case-study (ie. IPQoS model) inwhich try to impose several scenario which individually has a topology to play with and then try to look at the application (traffic) configuration. From there on you'll start understand the relationship between statistical distribution and for every traffic behaviour.

    Once you understand the basic procedure of making the model, then if you need to develop your own model but don't know much about programming or FSM, may be you could find, cut and paste a suitable process node. There you are allowed to build your own network node based on your "almost" own process node.

    You should try...

  3. hi I want academic to be done in opnet can any one so that ? contact me at
